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 High School Life by Sharon Cuneta

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2 posters

Male Number of posts : 10
Age : 60
Registration date : 2007-07-02

High School Life by Sharon Cuneta Empty
PostSubject: High School Life by Sharon Cuneta   High School Life by Sharon Cuneta Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2007 1:12 am

Sharon Cuneta

High school life, on my high school life

Ev'ry memory, kay ganda

High school days, oh my high school days

Are exciting, kay saya

There are times, may problema ka

Kung ang homework, left undone

Pray ka lang, 'wag tawagin ka

Upang di pagtawanan

High school love my one high school love

Not infatuation or crush

Tunay 'to s'ya ang buhay ko

Di n'yo lang alam ako'y nagba-blush

Bakit nga ba ang first love ko

Ay di serious, so it seems

Kung alam lang ng first love ko

He is always in my dreams

Ang saya ng high school

Same in yours and my school

Di na mapapantayan

T'yak ganyan ang buhay na sadyang makulay

Alaala kaylan man

High school life, on my high school life

Ev'ry memory, kay ganda

High school days, oh my high school days

Are exciting, kay saya

High school life, ba't ang high school life

Ay walang kasing saya?

Bakit kung Graduation na'y

Luluha kang talaga?

High school life, ba't ang high school life

Ay walang kasing saya?

Bakit kung Graduation na'y

Luluha kang talaga?

Ang saya ng high school

Same in yours and my school

Di na mapapantayan

T'yak ganyan ang buhay na sadyang makulay

Alaala kaylan man

High school life, on my high school life

Ev'ry memory, kay ganda

High school days, oh my high school days

Are exciting, kay saya

High school life, ba't ang high school life

Ay walang kasing saya?

Bakit kung Graduation na'y

Luluha kang talaga?


Last edited by on Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:59 am; edited 4 times in total
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Male Number of posts : 528
Registration date : 2007-07-01

High School Life by Sharon Cuneta Empty
PostSubject: Re: High School Life by Sharon Cuneta   High School Life by Sharon Cuneta Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2007 2:01 am

Pareng Boygie, you're great. Na upload mo ang graduation song natin. You're indeed a computer guro.

I have varied emotions whenever I hear this song--a teary eyes and a nostalgic feeling.

Thank you pare.
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Male Number of posts : 10
Age : 60
Registration date : 2007-07-02

High School Life by Sharon Cuneta Empty
PostSubject: Re: High School Life by Sharon Cuneta   High School Life by Sharon Cuneta Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2007 4:37 am

your welkam, mr admin.
lagay pa tayo ng popular songs nung hs... soundtack ng high school days natin.

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PostSubject: Re: High School Life by Sharon Cuneta   High School Life by Sharon Cuneta Icon_minitime

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