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 Free Software List

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Male Number of posts : 528
Registration date : 2007-07-01

Free Software List Empty
PostSubject: Free Software List   Free Software List Icon_minitimeMon Aug 13, 2007 7:57 pm

This is a simple list of free software for windows. It gives
alternatives to much paid software and solutions to many simple
problems. I've tried to make it complete as possible but theres
probably a few I've missed. nice and simple layout, name - description
then a link with more info and a download.

Many of these app's are available in a portable form at portableapps.com which allows them to run from a USB thumbdrive on any computer.


Firefox - By far the best browser for use with dA, there are a huge
amount of plugins and scripts available for use on dA. Which can be
found at =Mozilla


Opera - Very fast and feature filled browser.



Thunderbird - Outstanding email client from mozilla



FileZilla - Very good FTP client and server.


SmartFTP - Simple to use FTP client.



Windows Live Messenger - The newest version of MSN messenger with video and voice chat built in.


Skype - The most popular Voip program on the net.


ICQ - A more chatroom 'themed' IM.


AIM - AOL instant messenger.


GoogleTalk - Googles answer to IM.


Yahoo Messenger - You guessed it, Yahoo's answer to IM.


Trillian - A multi-protocol chat program. Can connect to IRC, AIM, MSN, yahoo etc etc.


GAIM - An open-source multi protocol client.


Xchat - Open source IRC client.



VLC media player - VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia
player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,
DivX, mp3, ogg, ...) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming
protocols. It can also be used as a server to stream in unicast or
multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network


Media Player Classic - Very small and powerful media player will play just about any file you can find.

[link]Free Software List Winkrazzackage_id=84358

WinAmp - Free media player from Nullsoft


Foobar2000 - Advanced highly customisable media player


RealAlternative - Real Alternative will allow you to play RealMedia files without having to install RealPlayer/RealOne Player.


QTAlternative -

QuickTime Alternative will allow you to play QuickTime files (.mov,
.qt, .3gp and other extensions) without having to install the official
QuickTime Player.


Creative Software

GIMP - Free alternative to Photoshop


Blender - Free 3D modeling and animation.


Terragen - 3D landscape generator


IrfanView - free image viewer/resizer/converter


Paint.NET - Another great Photshop alternative



burnatonce Free CD copying/authoring


Exact Audio Copy - Advanced CD riping


dBpowerAMP - CD ripper and audio converter.


CDex - Free, simple to use CDripper.



WinRAR - Winzip alternative can handle almost all kinds of compressed files.


7zip - Another winzip alternative with powerful filemanager.


Office software

Open Office - Free alternative to Microsoft Office


Foxit PDF Reader - Foxit Reader 2.0 is a free PDF document viewer and printer.


Web Design

Notepad++ - Code editor that supports syntax highlighting for many languages.


NVU - A free alternative to Dreamweaver. Allows you to visually create and edit websites.


Programmers Notepad - Code editor with syntax higlighting and a variety of plugins.



AVG - Anti-virus


Avast! - Anti-virus



Zone-alarm - Easy-to-use firewall


Kerio Personal Firewall - Another firewall



Spybot Search & Destroy - One of the best Anti spyware programs available.


Ad-Aware - Another great Anti-spyware utility


Windows Defender - A free program that helps protect your computer
against pop-ups, slow performance, and security threats caused by
spyware and other unwanted software.


Other Security Utilities

Process Explorer - Like task manager but much better


AutoRuns - View/edit all auto-starting programs on your system


NetStumbler - locate wireless networks


TCPView - View all currently active network connections on your computer


Rootkit Revealer - Exactly what it says on the tin.


hikackThis - Advanced tool for spyware and virus detection


System Utilities

Windows Powertoys - Extra features for Windows XP


CPU-Z - Quick tool to identify chipset, CPU type & memory configuration


Unlocker - Unlock files which are locked by an application to allow deletion, moving or renaming.


Many of these app's are available in a portable form at portableapps.com which allows them to run from a USB thumb-drive


Also available in 'sober'
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