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 Top 100 Authors

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Male Number of posts : 528
Registration date : 2007-07-01

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PostSubject: Top 100 Authors   Top 100 Authors Icon_minitimeMon Aug 13, 2007 10:34 pm

  1. Twain, Mark (1171)
  2. Austen, Jane (819)
  3. Shakespeare, William (720)
  4. Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir (706)
  5. Dickens, Charles (686)
  6. Miles, Alexander (582)
  7. Thomson, Alexis (582)
  8. Verne, Jules (480)
  9. Thomson, J. Arthur (474)
  10. Aesop (424)
  11. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (418)
  12. Poe, Edgar Allan (407)
  13. Balzac, Honoré de (393)
  14. Lang, Andrew (391)
  15. Wells, H. G. (Herbert George) (359)
  16. Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles (357)
  17. Doré, Gustave (356)
  18. Lacroix, Paul (351)
  19. Burroughs, Edgar Rice (313)
  20. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (301)
  21. Potter, Beatrix (301)
  22. Jefferis, B. G. (285)
  23. Nichols, J. L. (285)
  24. Dumas père, Alexandre (280)
  25. Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) (272)
  26. Zerbe, J. S. (267)
  27. London, Jack (259)
  28. Carroll, Lewis (255)
  29. Wilde, Oscar (254)
  30. McClure, M.L. (251)
  31. Sayce, A.H. (251)
  32. Piper, H. Beam (247)
  33. Conrad, Joseph (245)
  34. Homer (239)
  35. Grimm, Jacob (238)
  36. Grimm, Wilhelm (238)
  37. Spicer, William Ambrose (233)
  38. Lamairesse, Pierre Eugène (230)
  39. Vatsyayana (230)
  40. Rawlinson, George (227)
  41. Stevenson, Robert Louis (224)
  42. Scott, Walter, Sir (223)
  43. Dante Alighieri (221)
  44. Joyce, James (219)
  45. Burbank, Emily (217)
  46. Tolstoy, Leo, graf (215)
  47. Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville) (210)
  48. Kipling, Rudyard (204)
  49. Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider) (201)
  50. Remy, Alfred (198)
  51. Roessler, Erwin W. (198)
  52. Litchfield, Frederick (195)
  53. Bierce, Ambrose (193)
  54. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (193)
  55. Williamson, Robert Wood (193)
  56. Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith) (190)
  57. Maupassant, Guy de (187)
  58. Stockton, Frank Richard (183)
  59. James, Henry (182)
  60. Leonardo da Vinci (182)
  61. Pierce, Ray Vaughn (182)
  62. Richter, Jean Paul (182)
  63. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (181)
  64. Darwin, Charles (180)
  65. Plato (178)
  66. Sunzi, 6th cent. B.C. (174)
  67. Robertson, James Alexander (173)
  68. Giles, Lionel (166)
  69. Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron (165)
  70. Jenks, Albert Ernest (163)
  71. Hugo, Victor (162)
  72. Garnett, Constance (161)
  73. Weinbaum, Stanley Grauman (161)
  74. Beard, Charles A. (159)
  75. Beard, Mary Ritter (159)
  76. Howells, William Dean (152)
  77. Stoker, Bram (152)
  78. Mallarmé, Stéphane (150)
  79. Manet, Édouard (150)
  80. Hardy, Thomas (149)
  81. Van Dyke, John Charles (148)
  82. Pope, Alexander (147)
  83. Shaw, George Bernard (147)
  84. Defoe, Daniel (146)
  85. Hubbard, Elbert (144)
  86. Andersen, Hans Christian (143)
  87. Henty, G. A. (George Alfred) (141)
  88. Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud) (140)
  89. Wright, Blanche Fisher (140)
  90. Nieuwenhuis, Anton Willem (139)
  91. Nieuwenhuis-von Üxküll-Güldenbandt, M. (139)
  92. U.S. Copyright Office (139)
  93. Burnett, Frances Hodgson (136)
  94. Hawthorne, Nathaniel (136)
  95. Thackeray, William Makepeace (136)
  96. Honig, Winfried (134)
  97. MacDonald, George (134)
  98. Milton, John (134)
  99. Melville, Herman (132)
  100. Harte, Bret (131)
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