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 Top Science and Nature Websites

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PostSubject: Top Science and Nature Websites   Top Science and Nature Websites Icon_minitimeMon Aug 13, 2007 10:42 pm

Science and Nature


Top Science and Nature Websites Pcm_discuss

Total posts: 1

Top Science and Nature Websites 0,1425,i=184855,00Learn how to take care of Earth, space, or your own body on these science, nature, and health sites.

[url=javascript:OpenImageWindow('http://www.pcmag.com/image_popup/0,1871,iid=183083,00.asp', '640', '594')]Top Science and Nature Websites 0,1425,i=184296,00[/url]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


By Eric Griffith

[url=javascript:OpenImageWindow('http://www.pcmag.com/image_popup/0,1871,iid=183102,00.asp', '640', '600')]Top Science and Nature Websites 0,1425,i=184315,00[/url]


By Alex Ivey

Forget computer viruses, there's plenty of human ailments and diseases
to go around. The CDC tracks them all. If you're not sure if you've got
a cold, Ebola fever, asbestos poisoning, or just hypochondria, this
site should be your first stop. You'll also find detailed articles on
emergency preparedness and how to keep yourself healthy at home, at
work, and abroad.

The neatest stuff at NASA.gov is for kids
and educators. There is great material about the earth, ocean, and
space for all levels of students, and anyone interested in space
exploration will love the factoids sprinkled throughout the site. For
instance, did you know that the vehicle that transports the shuttle
with its boosters and fuel tank is called "The Crawler," goes about one
mile per hour, and is as big as a baseball field? You do now.

[url=javascript:OpenImageWindow('http://www.pcmag.com/image_popup/0,1871,iid=183121,00.asp', '640', '582')]Top Science and Nature Websites 0,1425,i=184334,00[/url]
National Geographic Online


By Yun Tsai

[url=javascript:OpenImageWindow('http://www.pcmag.com/image_popup/0,1871,iid=183157,00.asp', '640', '560')]Top Science and Nature Websites 0,1425,i=184370,00[/url]


By Jennifer L. DeLeo

Millions of species, thousands of
cultures, seven continents, one Earth; National Geographic Online
delivers it all with compelling stories, rich multimedia features, and
of course, spectacular photos. This robust site also contains
interactive maps, videos, music, and a Kids section for the young
explorers. And if you've always wanted to travel the world with the
Society's explorers, join them on an expedition through their National
Geographic Expedition site.

ScienceDaily offers news and videos
updated every 15 minutes on topics such as health, space, and
computers. Visit the Career Center to find a job or the Encyclopedia to
brush up on atmospheric chemistry and geophysics. Peruse the Science
Books section for reviews and information on books before you buy.

[url=javascript:OpenImageWindow('http://www.pcmag.com/image_popup/0,1871,iid=183131,00.asp', '640', '600')]Top Science and Nature Websites 0,1425,i=184344,00[/url]


By Tony Hoffman

[url=javascript:OpenImageWindow('http://www.pcmag.com/image_popup/0,1871,iid=183152,00.asp', '640', '520')]Top Science and Nature Websites 0,1425,i=184365,00[/url]


By Corinne Iozzio

Space is the place—and Space.com's the
place for space. This colorful site brings you the latest news of
astronomy, space science, and space travel (manned and unmanned
missions), top-notch articles, photo galleries, videos, star charts and
observing tips, discussion forums, polls—everything cosmophiles could
want for exploring the final frontier from their PCs.

If a Web site could replace a real live
doctor, WebMD would be just about as close as you could come. Offering
tips for everything from exercise to heart health in layman's terms,
this Internet doc is the No. 1 go-to spot for quick self-diagnosis. The
Symptom Checker takes the age-old concept of "show me where it hurts"
into the digital realm with clickable diagrams to help you narrow down
your ailment and search for treatments. Remember, though, WebMD is not
a replacement for a real physician—not yet, at least.
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