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 Resume Writer's Workbook

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Elite Contibutor
Elite Contibutor

Male Number of posts : 639
Age : 57
Registration date : 2007-07-26

Resume Writer's Workbook Empty
PostSubject: Resume Writer's Workbook   Resume Writer's Workbook Icon_minitimeSat Aug 25, 2007 3:15 pm

Resume Writer's Workbook

Resume Writer's Workbook 6bmhxme

comprehensive book is an all-inclusive job search handbook addressing
all areas of the job search in an easy-to-read style. This resource is
designed to lead users step-by-step through the job search maze. It
includes exercises to help users assess their skills and focus on
career objectives to land the right job for them. It also includes
writing an effective cover letter, networking and interviewing skills,
producing an electronic resume, and using the Internet in the job
search. This unique handbook provides all the information users need to
find a job.

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