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 10 Corporate Laws Of Power

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Elite Contibutor
Elite Contibutor

Male Number of posts : 639
Age : 57
Registration date : 2007-07-26

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PostSubject: 10 Corporate Laws Of Power   10 Corporate Laws Of Power Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2007 3:16 pm

Power is something dreamed of by many but achieved by few. Becoming
part of the higher echelons of society is often seen as a daunting
task; something reserved for those who are born great or with
supernatural talents. It is a little known fact that attaining a
position of power is actually quite formulaic. In fact, throughout
history, men of power have used very reliable methods of attaining and
keeping their powerful positions.
The business world is no different. The great CEOs of the world are
extremely skilled at this very game. They learned how to charm their
superiors and outmaneuver their competitors using the almost scientific
principles of power, which have been masterfully recorded by Robert
Greene, in his best seller entitled The 48 Laws of Power . Below are 10
selected laws that are particularly relevant to the corporate arena.

what is power?

To achieve power, one must first understand it. In the business world,
having power means having influence. It means being in direct control
of people and resources. It means respectability. When you talk, others
listen. Those below you look up to you, and those above need you.
You must also realize that your peers are also your competitors. You're
not the only one vying for that hot promotion. As scary as it may
sound, your closest associates may be silently scheming ways to outdo
you or tarnish your reputation. You must be forever on guard for these
threats and learn how to deal with them calmly yet resolutely. Here is

guard your reputation

We humans judge according to what we see and hear. Since appearance is
the parameter of judgment, it is important that you control how others
see you. This, in effect, puts you in control of how the world judges
You want your name to be on everyone's lips when it comes to a certain
quality you have. It is important, therefore, to build a reputation
that precedes you. Be known for one outstanding trait, whether it be
generosity or efficiency. A reputation that is built slowly and subtly
can do wonders: it exaggerates your talents and gives you an aura of
respectability, maybe even fear, and ensures that you'll be the first
person on your boss' mind when a better position becomes available.
You must also learn to guard your reputation and anticipate all
possible attacks on it. Should it be assailed by a co-worker, do not
get angry. It will only reveal a lack of confidence. Instead of
engaging in petty vengeance, be a sport about it. It will make your
attacker seem desperate and insecure -- thus ruining his own

respect yourself

Being known for one outstanding quality is only half the battle; you
also have to be taken seriously. And the best way to do this is to take
yourself seriously.
I cannot stress the importance of appearances enough. The sooner you
accept this, the better. Try to be seen as someone who surpasses common
expectations. Do not appear vulgar or ordinary. Dress like a
respectable person. Maintain good posture at all times and practice
impeccable manners. Always be courteous to others. The way you carry
yourself speaks volumes about who you are. The more respect you have
for yourself, the more respect you command from others.
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Elite Contibutor
Elite Contibutor

Male Number of posts : 639
Age : 57
Registration date : 2007-07-26

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PostSubject: Re: 10 Corporate Laws Of Power   10 Corporate Laws Of Power Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2007 3:17 pm

be dependable

Once people start to rely on you, you are in a position of power.
Having a role that is so deeply embedded in a superior's needs makes it
in his best interest to keep you around. To achieve this, it is vital
to be irreplaceable. You must be the critical brick in the Jenga tower:
once you're removed, the structure collapses.
For this you have to harness an irreplaceable skill; something that
sets you apart from everyone else. Find out what your superiors need
the most and specialize in it. Whether this is knowledge of a market
trend or intimacy with research tools, appear to be the best at it.
You can be so entrenched in different areas of the organization that to
lose you would be suicide, though this is less recommended than the
previous example. Being the binding force between departments is a
powerful card to have. You create many interdependencies that make you
a vital player. Once you become inimitable, those above you will be
more willing to listen to your demands.
no man is an island

Knowledge is power,
and you attain more knowledge by being around people as much as
possible. Constant mingling exposes you to valuable information. You
learn what is on people's minds, what the company needs the most, and
what new roles you could fill. Isolation is dangerous. Not only
will it leave you ignorant, it will make you forgettable, which is the
opposite of what you want. Being around others also builds alliances
that will help you when you need it.
If you're in a position of power, keeping a public persona keeps you
informed about what your employees think of you. You can quickly
address dissatisfaction before it becomes dangerous, and protect
yourself from ill wishers.
stick to the plan

The popularity of chess is partly due to its metaphorical implications.
It's game of foresight, the ultimate game of non-chance. In chess one
cannot give in to immediate dangers or temptations. You must always see
beyond them in pursuit of a final goal: winning.
Leaving things to chance is the best way to invite failure. You must
set a clear goal and anticipate all the obstacles, crises, and
competitors. For instance, if you want to land a promotion in the next
year, you must make a detailed plan of how you will do this. What will
you do to impress the boss? What will be the consequences? Who will you
infuriate? Once you have that plan, stick to it, and don't get
distracted by setbacks. By avoiding small dangers we often fall into
larger ones.
don't be an overachiever

This is a corollary of the previous rule. Once you've achieved your
goal, stop. Arrogance and overconfidence have led great men to complete
ruin. As Napoleon said, "The greatest danger occurs at the moment of
When you attain success, stop for a moment. Consolidate your strengths,
savor the moment, understand that what got you there was circumstance,
and that repeating the same actions may not work. Realize that chance
is no substitute for planning. Success can be intoxicating. It makes
you feel invincible and hostile. Learn from Enron, whose greed blinded
it into going too far.
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Elite Contibutor
Elite Contibutor

Male Number of posts : 639
Age : 57
Registration date : 2007-07-26

10 Corporate Laws Of Power Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 Corporate Laws Of Power   10 Corporate Laws Of Power Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2007 3:17 pm

no one is perfect

Like everything else, power is a balancing act. While you're building a
memorable reputation and taking care of your appearance, you must take
care not to appear too perfect. A flawless person will inevitably
inspire envy among peers, who may not feel as fortunate as you.
Envy can be a destructive force. It can brew hostility towards you and
cause others to slander you publicly, possibly hurting your reputation.
You can detect envy by excessive praise, sarcastic comments about your
success, and that subtle resentment in the eye.
Appear more human and approachable by revealing a small flaw, or
admitting to a harmless vice. If you get an unexpected promotion, play
it down by saying you were lucky. Act humbly, as though nothing has
changed, even though you know you hold more power.
If you ever make a mistake, calmly admit you were wrong to prevent
others from exaggerating it. By keeping a modest faade, you conceal the
vast wealth you hold within from public spite. As William Shakespeare
once wrote, "Speak less than thou knowest, have more than thou
showest." (King Lear)
front focus

We live in the age of specialists. The Renaissance Man, impressive as
he may be, does not really get anything done. Being very good at one
thing beats being somewhat good at many.
Find your forte and focus all your energy on that. When you were
looking for a job, chances are you did this very important
introspective exercise. You took the time to find out what you are the
best at and how you can sell this to an employer. By concentrating your
forces on one strength or goal and pursuing it to the end, you have an
advantage over those less focused.

Warren Buffett
plays this game to perfection. Instead of investing in many different
companies, he puts his money in a select few that he understands inside
out. His focus reduces his risk. The result: he is the most successful
investor in the world.
be the strong, silent type

People are, by nature, creatures of interpretation. The less you say,
the more others will try to piece together what you are thinking.
Saying little makes you seem more profound and mysterious. In their
preoccupation with your intentions, people will admire and respect you

Being curt makes you sound decisive and confident, always in control of your actions.
And your controlled speech will make others nervously fill in your
silence, potentially revealing important information. This is
especially valuable if you already have a position of power and want to
maintain it. The more you talk, the more commonplace you
become, and the more chances you have of saying something stupid. So
keep it brief, and you will see the difference.
know who you're dealing with

Learning how to size up a person is one of the most important abilities
in your rise to power. You must always know who you're dealing with.
Never assume the person you're speaking with shares your values and
your sense of humor. In an attempt to appear friendly and approachable,
you may be stepping over another man's boundaries and offending him
Take your time to know a person before embarking on any move. Know the
source of his pride and insecurity. And since you are so carefully
engineering your own image, assume others may be doing the same. Do not
trust appearances. Keep it formal until you are comfortably acquainted.

This is important when you are dealing with someone more powerful than
you, or someone who can help you. It is equally important when dealing
with clients. Once you know their weaknesses and tastes, you can tailor
your tactic to fit their peculiarities, and then win their good graces.

in a nutshell

Power and recognition is not something achieved overnight. It must be
earned, slowly and carefully, with unflinching determination. What sets
great men apart from everyone else is their resolve to succeed. With
these 10 points and your own willpower, your ascension up the corporate
ladder is practically guaranteed.
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