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 Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Dev

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Elite Contibutor
Elite Contibutor

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Registration date : 2007-07-26

Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Dev Empty
PostSubject: Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Dev   Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Dev Icon_minitimeMon Sep 17, 2007 3:47 pm

Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Excel and VBA.

Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Dev 51X4QPK3PPL._SS500_

there's a book that treats Excel as the powerful development platform
it really is, and covers every facet of developing commercial-quality
Excel applications.

This is not a book for beginners. Writing
for professional developers and true Excel experts, the authors share
insider's knowledge they've acquired building Excel applications for
many of the world's largest companies梚ncluding Microsoft. Professional
Excel Development demonstrates how to get the utmost from Excel,
addressing everything from application architectures through worksheet
and userform design, charting, debugging, error handling and optimizing
performance. Along the way, the authors offer best practices for every
type of Excel development, from building add-ins through interacting
with XML Web services. Coverage includes

* Building add-ins to provide new Excel functions
* Designing effective worksheets, userforms and other user interface elements
* Leveraging Excel's powerful data analysis features
* Creating sophisticated custom charts
* Handling errors, debugging applications and optimizing performance
* Using class modules and interfaces to create custom objects
* Understanding Windows API calls: when to use them, and how to modify them
* Adding worksheet functions with
* C-based XLLs
* Programming with databases
* Controlling external applications from Excel
* Integrating with Visual Basic 6, VB.NET and Visual Studio Tools for Office
* Using XML to import and export data and communicate with Web services
* Providing help, securing, packaging and distributing

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Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Dev
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